Stored Manufacturing Know-How for CAM Programming

Macro technology of hyperMILL

Macros simplify the day-to-day tasks of CAM programmers. Manufacturing knowledge can be standardized and automatically applied to machining features. This translates into NC programs at the push of a button.


Application of stored job steps accelerates programming 

A macro stores a sequence of machining steps that contains all the tool and technology data of a characteristic geometry – the recognized features. Macros therefore permit NC programming with just a few clicks of the mouse, greatly reducing the programming effort.

For example, a macro can be created for drilling operations that includes a sequence of machining jobs such as centering, drilling and countersinking. This can then be used to program a wide variety of hole types with a single click.

Macro Technology: Drilling plate

Did you know that the feature and macro technology in hyperMILL enables you to program in record time? In this video, all holes are recognized and programmed with just a few clicks.

Automation Made Easy

NC programmers can freely configure the degree of automation.

At the lowest level, feature technology assists programmers in identifying areas to be machined. The feature browser displays holes, pockets and T-slots in a structured manner, which facilitates subsequent programming automation.

The detected features can be programmed either manually or fully automatically by using stored macros.

hyperMILL AUTOMATION Center enables companies to implement comprehensive process automation quickly and reliably. 

Intelligent Macros

Macros provided in the hyperMILL CAM software can do so much more: Rules and conditions can be defined for each machining step. Machining steps can be automatically assigned and adjusted based on geometry information such as diameter, depth, open or closed pockets or on the basis of defined rules. A simple “if-then” rule triggers the relevant part of the macro. The result is a flexible macro that can be applied to a variety of different editing features.


  • Saving of machining steps in a macro
  • Automatic adaptation of the machining steps to the respective feature through predefined rules
  • Extensive definition and control options for machining information
  • Automatic creation of NC machining jobs in the job list