Probing on the CNC machine for more productivity

hyperMILL probing cam software


hyperMILL PROBING is the optimal CAM solution for programming measuring and probing operations directly on the machine tool. This will decrease throughput times and at the same time ensure the quality of components.

A well-functioning interface between the CAM programmer and the machine operator is essential for a reliable production process. However, there are a number of issues that need to be dealt with here, such as clamping errors, stock inaccuracies, or operator errors on the machine. Manual interventions and the associated machine downtimes are often hidden time sinks that increase throughput times. Thanks to hyperMILL PROBING’s process-integrated measurements, these hurdles can be overcome efficiently.

Benefits of probing strategies

  • Process-integrated measurements improve efficiency
  • Shorter throughput times
  • Accelerated quality assurance process
  • Less scrap
  • Increased reliability

Before CNC milling – Set up workpiece

OPEN MIND has designed its measurement solution for the entire machining process. This begins with setting up the workpiece if touch probe systems set the origin or ensure that the workpiece is perfectly aligned.

workpiece set up alignment edge

Check stocks

It is often necessary to check the stock dimensions before machining due to deviations in the saw cut or casting and welding inaccuracies.

Check clamping

The position of the clamping jaw can be checked via probing to verify the clamping.


Set up workpiece

Origin definition (rotation): Stocks can be easily probed to align them precisely with the machine axis. This ensures optimal clamping and reduces the amount of scrap.

Origin definition (position): The component origin can be defined quickly and reliably and loaded into the machine control.



During CNC milling – Measure and adjust

The workpiece is optimally clamped and the stock dimensions are verified. Internal process measuring during NC machining in particular makes it possible to detect and respond to manufacturing errors early on, for example, if deviations in dimensional accuracy are identified after roughing or semi-finishing.

tool plate feature slot pocket

Active process control

Inaccurately measuring of the tool or tool wear often cause errors and deviations. Thanks to hyperMILL PROBING’s active process control, these errors can be eliminated. Here, a measurement is simply carried out after roughing or semi-finishing and the measurement result is transferred to the control. If deviations occur, they are automatically compensated during subsequent machining. The program run can also be stopped if the tolerance is violated.



After CNC milling – Quality control

Before the component is taken off the machine, the component inspection is carried out in the original setup. The finished, machined workpiece is compared with the CAD geometry in a target/actual comparison. Thanks to touch probe support, many features can already be reliably measured on the machine tool. This first good estimate of the quality can prevent problems that occur later on a coordinate measuring machine. It also prevents to reset the part on the machine if a correction is needed. This results in shorter throughput times, while quality is guaranteed to remain consistent.

measurement component

Measure component

Performing quality assurance directly on the machine tool offers numerous advantages. The measurement results are automatically provided in the control system. This significantly increases the efficiency within the process and, in turn, reduces the throughput times. The measurement logs can then be output.



3D point probing

One of the highlights is 3D point probing with which even free-form surfaces can be probed. The probing can be carried out indexed on 5-axis machines.

3d point probing


read back measuring points

Read back measuring points

Measuring points can now be read back in hyperMILL to ensure and log the component quality. You can see at a glance which measuring points are within or outside the tolerance both on the 3D model and on the “Measured” panel. This allows you to analyze inaccuracies, tool wear, or deviations/trend after milling and compensate for them simultaneously on the CAD and CAM side. This saves time, provides security, and increases quality. This new function can also be used directly on the machine tool with the hyperMILL SHOP Viewer. In addition, reading back the points can be used in conjunction with hyperMILL BEST FIT to visualize the results of the new alignment.

Benefit: Improved quality and process control.

hyperMILL VIRTUAL Machining postprocessor required. Available controls on request.


Features of hyperMILL PROBING

  • All the probing strategies are fully integrated into the NC code, which is translated into the language of the probe control.
  • With all strategies, the probe is as easy to program as a standard tool
  • Support for 3-axis and 5-axis machines for indexed probing
  • All the movements of the touch probe are checked for collisions
  • Informative process control: It is possible to generate measuring data easily for the individual component geometries and access it from the controller.

Strategies for probing*

  • Workpiece alignment along holes
  • Workpiece alignment along edge
  • Rectangular probing
  • Circular probing
  • Slot/Rib probing
  • Axis-dependent probing
  • 3D point probing

*Scope of delivery depends on the control type.