C. & E. FEIN GmbH, the leading maker of professional power tools for metal-working, automotive and interior applications, will use the hyperMILL CAM system from OPEN MIND Technologies AG. The resulting seamless integrated process chain, will guarantee a consistently high level of quality and precision from product development to production.
C. & E. Fein GmbH implements its consistent processes from computer-based design to the manufacturing process with hyperMILL. The CAM system from OPEN MIND Technologies AG prevailed against the products of several competitors. Among the major requirements to be met: the solution had to be able to replicate changes in the CAD geometry directly in the CAM system and ensure the collision-proof 5axis processing of deep cavities with small tools.
hyperMILL meets the highest requirements of C. & E. FEIN GmbH
Because of hyperMILL’s seamless integration, the users in FEIN’s product development department can access the same database from within both the Pro/ENGINEER CAD system and the CAM system. As a result, they operate with the same data model and can program and/or change the parts for the manufacturing process with great flexibility and efficiency.
The company was also impressed by the high quality, precision and efficiency of the milling process. Because of the close cooperation between OPEN MIND Technologies AG and leading equipment manufacturers, FEIN’s processing center, which was made by Berthold Hermle AG, and hyperMILL form a powerful unit. The powerful collision prevention algorithm of hyperMILL ensures safe and efficient manufacturing processes even for the most demanding 3D and 5axis jobs.
For consulting, implementation and training services, C. & E. FEIN has commissioned CINTEG AG (an authorized sales partner of OPEN MIND Technologies AG), who also provides extensive local support for the system’s operation.